Little Finches are good breeders and behave as a good parent. It is necessary to identify the gender of Finches if you wish to do the individual breeding. If you are a Finch lover and would like to breed it at your home you need to identify which is which (male/female). Even though in the colony breeding there should be an equal proportion of male and females present in the colony in order to avoid many problems like pecking each other. How to identify the sex of Finches? Based on, 1.Color Pattern 2.Beak 3.Activities 1.Based on Color Pattern It is quite easy to determine male and female in Zebra finches using a specific pattern of colors in their body. There are many color variations in Zebra Finches. They are as follows, Standard Grey Black Chested Black Cheek Black Face Black Front Chestnut Flanked White Crested Eumo and Charcoal Fawn Cheek and Grey Cheek Grizzle Isabel Florida Fancy Light Back Orange Breasted Penguin Pied Silver White and Yel...