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Showing posts from September, 2017

Sexing Finches

Little Finches are good breeders and behave as a good parent. It is necessary to identify the gender of Finches if you wish to do the individual breeding. If you are a Finch lover and would like to breed it at your home you need to identify which is which (male/female). Even though in the colony breeding there should be an equal proportion of male and females present in the colony in order to avoid many problems like pecking each other. How to identify the sex of Finches? Based on, 1.Color Pattern 2.Beak 3.Activities 1.Based on Color Pattern It is quite easy to determine male and female in Zebra finches using a specific pattern of colors in their body. There are many color variations in Zebra Finches. They are as follows, Standard Grey Black Chested Black Cheek Black Face Black Front Chestnut Flanked White Crested Eumo and Charcoal Fawn Cheek and Grey Cheek Grizzle Isabel Florida Fancy Light Back Orange Breasted Penguin Pied Silver White and Yel...

Breeding Zebra Finches

Finches are very lovely adorable birds to have them at home. I like these birds so much. These cute little buddies used to sing songs often. The sounds made by them are so gentle to hear. There are many species of finches like Atlantic Canary, Zebra Finch, American Goldfinch, Common red poll, House Finch, etc. But the most popular one among them is the Zebra Finch.  Zebra Finches are the commonly found in Central Australia and ranges over most continents. It is natively found in Indonesia and East Timor. These are proactive birds which need a lot of space to live in and fly around. These birds weigh around 10 to 12 grams and are very delicate in nature. Let us get into the topic, Cage setup:  Cage of a zebra finch should be spacious enough in order to make them feel comfortable to fly here and there. There should be small sticks or branches attached to the corners of the cage to make them feel like sitting in the branches of the tree. Also, the breeding bo...

Crabs are wonderful pets

Have you ever imagined a crab as your pet?   Crabs are easy pets. At almost zero cost. They might look terrifying but actually not. Crab is one of the wonderful creations of mother nature. Look at the body shape and structure. Even we cannot build a robot like a crab, it is very difficult. They are very good survivors and will eat almost anything from veggies to non-vegetarian foods. They can live in water and land. Naturally, you can see them on the banks of the water ways, small streams etc. They dig burrows and build colonies underneath. Every burrow will have links with one another. So you may not catch a crab easily by your hands if it gets into it. It would have long tunnels under the burrows. I used to go to the river side farms and will look for the crabs. I will catch them when they come out of burrows to catch the fish. They used to catch fishes to eat. By that time I used to catch them wearing a glove. Crabs can move in any direction. Usua...

Top 10 Smartest Dogs

1.Border Collie  Personality:  Remarkably smart workaholics; not averse to a good cuddle. Energy Level:  The uncanny intelligence, athleticism, and trainability of Border Collies have a perfect outlet in agility work. Good with Children:  Better with Older Children Good with other Dogs:  Yes Shedding:  Seasonal Grooming:  Weekly Trainability:  Eager To Please Height:  19-22 inches (male), 18-21 inches (female) Weight:  30-45 pounds (male), 27-42 pounds (female)  Life Expectancy:  10-17 years Barking Level:  Barks When Necessary 2 . Poodle  Personality:  Proud, active and very smart. Energy Level:  Very Active; Poodles are enthusiastic walkers, runners, and swimmers. They're eager for all kinds of activity, and they enjoy keeping busy. Good with Children:  Yes Good with other Dogs:  With Supervision Shedding:  Infrequent, Hypoallergenic Grooming:  ...

How To Treat Sarcoptic Mange In Dogs

S arcoptic mange, also known as canine scabies, is a parasite disease caused by Sarcoptes scabei var. canis, a circular short-legged microscopic mite that burrows into the skin. Canine scabies can affect any dog regardless of age, breed, or coat type. It's rare for only one dog in a multi-pet home to exhibit clinical signs. Unlike demodectic mange that is not contagious, sarcoptic mange more like ear mites in that it is so contagious that usually if one is affected, all animals are infected. Sarcoptic Mange Life Cycle The female mite burrows into the skin form a tunnel and lays three to five eggs daily. Larvae emerge within another three to eight days, and after hatching, those that migrate across the surface of the skin often will die. But most larvae stay in the tunnel or its extensions (called "molting pockets") where they develop into nymphs. Some nymphs stay in the original tunnels and molting pockets, while others burrow and form new tunnels. A few wan...