Planted aquarium with Neon tetras Friends have you ever heard about this "The Planted Aquarium", sounds good right. Looking at this picture itself you would have been very eagerly waiting to know how to DIY and maintain that at home at a very low cost. I have been through many websites before making my own planted aquarium but I could see none of a post telling how to make it on a very low budget, every DIY projects of planted aquarium costs at-least $20 that is around 1,200 Indian rupees. I think that is very costly. I don't think everyone would easily afford this much in making a Planted Tank. My intention is to make, which was personally experimented by me and I would suggest the beginners to try this at your own aquarium tank. Any aquarium lovers can try this at your home. This article is mainly based on the assumption that you guys will have a basic knowledge about the live plants and fishes. Minimum requirement ...