Tetra fish are a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts due to their bright colors and easy maintenance. There are many different types of Tetra fish, each with its own unique characteristics and care requirements. Here is a brief overview of some of the most common types of Tetra fish and how to properly care for them: 1. Neon Tetra: These are small, brightly colored fish that are native to South America. They are a popular choice for beginner aquarium enthusiasts due to their low maintenance requirements and peaceful nature. They do well in schools of at least six individuals and should be kept in an aquarium with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. They also prefer a temperature range of 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Cardinal Tetra: These are also small fish that are native to South America. They are similar to neon tetras in terms of care requirements, but they are more sensitive to changes in water quality. It is important to keep the water clean and well-filtered for cardinal tetras. ...